家長和老師感言 / 道爾頓親子班
“Absolutely love their ways of teaching and guiding the kids. So loving, welcoming and supportive! They teach very differently to other schools and keeps us in the loop with what our kids are learning daily by regular updates on Seesaw. There’s not one day our kids don’t enjoy coming to school! Thank you to all teachers and staffs!”

Hello, I’m Ms. Carmen, and I am delighted to be a part of the vibrant learning community at miniDalton. With my extensive background in kindergarten and playgroup education, I am passionate about fostering a playful and sensory-rich learning environment. I firmly believe that children learn best when actively engaged in hands-on experiences. That’s why I strive to create opportunities for my students to explore, discover, and learn through play. At miniDalton, we embrace the school motto “I am not led, I lead,” empowering children to take charge of their own learning journeys. Together, we embark on an exciting educational adventure, nurturing young minds and laying the groundwork for their future academic success.


大家好,我是劉老師。出生於教師家庭的我與學校和學生們結下了不解之緣。擁有中、港教育背景及幼小教育文憑無疑令我更瞭解和理解孩子們的成長。教育家福祿貝爾曾把學校比喻為花園,孩子如花朵,教師是園丁。我能在道爾頓學校這所真正被大自然環繞、充滿鳥語花香的大花園參與、陪伴及支持孩子們健康成長,何其快樂 !
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地址: 香港司徒拔道 41B
電話: +852 3612 5768
傳真: +852 3612 5766
電子郵件: info@minidalton.com